4 октомври 2014 г.

Международна научна конференция "Contextualizing Changes: Migrations, Shifting Borders and New Identities in Eastern Europe"

От 8 до 10 октомври секция „Историческа етнология“ на ИЕФЕМ – БАН организира международна научна конференция на тема: Contextualizing Changes: Migrations, Shifting Borders and New Identities in Eastern Europe, която ще се проведе в залите на хотел „Дом на учения“, бул. „Шипченски проход“ 50 в София. На нея ще бъдат представени най-новите достижения на учените от ИЕФЕМ – БАН в областта на изследване на миграциите, променящите се идентичности, социалните и културни трансформации в редица страни от Източна Европа.
В конференцията ще вземат участие общо 55 учени – 31 от България (ИЕФЕМ – БАН, Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски“, Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“ и Шуменски университет „Епископ Константин Преславски“) и 24 изследователи от 13 страни в чужбина (Австрия, Белгия, Великобритания, Германия, Македония, Полша, Румъния, САЩ, Словения, Сърбия, Украйна, Хърватия и Чехия). Сред поканените да изнесат пленарни доклади учени са проф. Карл Казер от Университета в Грац, проф. Джон Ийд от Университета Рохамптън в Лондон, проф. Раймонд Детрез от Университета в Гент в Белгия и др.
Конференцията ще бъде предшествана от публичната лекция на проф. Карл Казер "Visualizing the Balkans: The Balkan Wars, the Great War and Visual Modernity", която ще се състои на 7 октомври от 18 часа в зала 19 на ИЕФЕМ – БАН на ул. „Московска“ 6А.
Паралелно на конференцията в залите на хотел „Дом на учения“ ще бъдат представени две изложби: първата на Роберт Пихлер от Хумболтовия университет в Берлин, на тема: "Staging the Nation. 'Skopje 2014' and the Claim for Recognition", а втората – на Антонина Якимова, вицепрезидент на Сдружението на украинските организации в България, на тема: “Ukrainian Diaspora in Sofia – the Old and New Identities”.

Както конференцията, така и предвидените след нея публикации ще позволят резултатите от изследванията на българските учени да бъдат сравнени с най-добрите международни постижения и да бъдат популяризирани в европейското научно пространство, което ще допринесе за развитието на етнологията и антропологията в България.
С програмата на конференцията можете да се запознаете тук.

Wednesday, 8 October
9.00 – 9.30      Welcome addresses
9.30 – 11.00      Visualisation, Symbolic Borders and Constructing Identity
Chair: Robert Pichler
Keynote speech:
Karl Kaser
 (Graz, Austria) The Balkan Wars, the Great War and Visual Modernity
Anelia Kasabova (Sofia, Bulgaria) Camera – Gender – Body: The (Shifting) Boundaries of Portraiture. Bulgarian Studio Photography from 1860 to approx. I WW
Dagnoslav Demski (Warsaw, Poland) Representations of Balkans and its Shifting Horizon in Polish Imagination
11.00 – 11.30    Photo exhibition
Robert Pichler: 
Staging the Nation. ‘Skopje 2014’ and the Claim for Recognition
11.30 – 12.00    Coffee break
12.00 – 13.30    Migration and (New) Identities  I
Chair: Karl Kaser
Robert Pichler (Berlin, Germany) The Ambivalence towards Return: A case-study of Albanian migrants in a Macedonian village
Ivaylo Markov (Sofia, Bulgaria) Contextualizing the Migratory Shift: from “Gurbet” toward “Family Migration”. The case of the Albanians from Macedonia
Elya Tzaneva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Postwar Bulgarian Migrations to Australia – towards a Theory of Migration-Homeland-Culture
Valentina Sharlanova (Sofia, Bulgaria) Conceptualisation of Turkish Labour Migration in Western European Studies
Vladimir Penchev (Sofia, Bulgaria) Contexts and Subtexts: Motivational Models forEmigration towards Central Europe
13.30 – 14.30    Lunch Break
14.30 – 16.30    Migration and (New) Identities – II
Chair: Elya Tzaneva
Biljana Sikimić (Belgrade, Serbia) Kosovo Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians in Contemporary Serbia – Migration and Ethnic Identity
Veselka Toncheva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Shifting Borders, Refugees and New Identities: the Case of Tsvarkovi Family from Golo Bordo Region, Albania
Petko Hristov (Sofia, Bulgaria) Migration Strategies and Malleable Identities among the Young Bulgarians in Odessa District
Elena Petrova (Odessa, Ukraine) "Cryptogram of the Migrant Ethnical Memory"Modern Codes and Translation Canals under the National Frontier Circumstances(Odessa recipes)
Anelia Avdzhieva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) Mobility, Gender, Strategy (case of Romany people)
16.30 – 17.00    Coffeebreak
17.00 – 18.30    Migration and (New) Identities – III
Chair: Petko Hristov
Gergina Pavlova-Hannam (Sunderland, England) Should I Stay or Should I Go: Reflections on the Migration of Bulgarians to the North East of England
Polina Manolova (Birmingham, GB) Bulgarian Migration to England – the Influential Power of the Imaginary West.
Mila Maeva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Stories about Bulgarian Transition Period and Emigration
Zlatina Bogdanova (Sofia, Bulgaria) Crossing Boundaries and Identities “on the Road”:  the Case of the Youth Short-Term Labour Migration in the Framework of the “Work and Travel” Program

Thursday, 9 October
9.00 – 11.00     Religions, Cultures, Identities  I
Chair: Vihra Baeva
Key-note speech:
John Eade
 (Roehampton/Toronto) Secularisation and Desecularisation in a Changing Europe: The Intriguing Relationship between Labour Migration, Pilgrimage and Tourism
Evgenia Troeva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Symbolizing Religious Boundaries and Identities
Margarita Karamihova (Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria) Shifting Borders between Eastern Orthodoxy and New Spiritual Movements (A Case Study of Newly Emerging Holy Shrines in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria)
Svetoslava Toncheva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Initiations at Sunrise – a Model of Constructing New Religious Communities
Velislav Altanov (Sofia, Bulgaria) „Rhodope Mountain – the Fortress has to beConquered”
11.00 – 11.30    Coffee break
11.30 – 13.30   Religions, Cultures, Identities – II
Chair: Galina Lozanova
Vihra Baeva (Sofia, Bulgaria) One Cult, Two Communities, Two Identities: the Veneration of St. Zone in Bulgaria and Greece
Violeta Periklieva (Sofia, Bulgaria) The Cult to Our Lady of Lourdes – Different Levels of Identity Construction of the Bulgarian Catholics from the Town of Rakovski
Tanya Dimitrova (Jena, Germany) The Church “Maria Magdalena” in Weimar as Attracting Center for the Orthodox Community in Thuringia, Germany
Tsvetelina Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria) The Feast of St. St. Cyril and Methodius among the Bulgarian Communities  in Warsaw, Poland
Gabriela Fatková (Pilzen, Czech Republic) Bulgarian Karakachans and Re-Domestication of Religion: Migration, Sacred Spaces, and House
13.30 – 14.30    Lunch Break
14.30 – 16.00    Communities, Borders and Cultures – I
Chair: Evgenia Troeva
Larysa Vakhnina (Kiev, Ukraine) The Problem of Identification of Folk Traditions Borderland of the Southern Ukraine
Irina Ogienko (Kiev, Ukraine) Folklore as a Factor of Ethnic Identity of Bulgarians in Ukraine
Svoboda Stoeva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) Borders, Institutions, Categories
Katarzyna Kość-Ryżko (Warsaw, Poland) The Formation of the Identity of Juvenile Refugees from Chechnya in Poland in the Face of the Cultural Strangeness
16.00 – 16.30    Coffee break
16.30 – 18.00    Communities, Borders and Cultures – II
Chair: Dagnoslav Demski
Katya Lachowicz (Poland) Narratives in the Construction of the Polish Nation: National Identity Beyond Polarisations
Snizhana Zhygun (Kiev, Ukraine) Ethnicity through a Prism of Realisms: XIX and XX centuries
Tanya Matanova (Sofia, Bulgaria) The Dynamics of Identification among Bulgarian-Ukrainians Living in Bulgaria in the 21st century
Antonina Iakimova (vice-president of the Union of the Ukrainian Organizations in Bulgaria) Formation of the Identity of the New Ukrainian Community in Bulgaria 
Exhibition: Ukrainian Diaspora in Sofia – the Old and New Identities

Friday, 10 October
9.00 – 11.00      Shifting Borders and Changing Identity  I

Chair: Biljana Sikimić
Key-note speech:
Raymond Detrez
 (Belgium) Reassessing Ethnic Identity in the Pre-National Balkans
Cynthia Lintz (Virginia, USA) Contextualizing Changes: Migrations, Shifting Borders and New Identities in Eastern Europe
Mina Hristova (Sofia, Bulgaria) Shifting the Borders, Creating New Identities – New Concepts of History
Stelu Şerban (Bucharest, Romania) Crossing the Balkans. Aroumanians Colonization in Dobroudza
Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska (Warsaw, Poland) Shifting Symbolic Boundaries: Reenacting Nazi Troops in Contemporary Poland
11.00 – 11.30    Coffee break
11.30 – 13.30    Shifting Borders and Changing Identity  II
Chair: Stelu Serban
Stefan Dorondel (Bucharest, Romania) Restoring Danube’s Nature: Politics, Policy and Local Practices in Bulgaria and Romania
Meglena Zlatkova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) The Town and Migration – Urban Spaces and Shifting Borders
Yelis Erolova (Sofia, Bulgaria) Bulgarian Attitudes towards Syrian Refugees. The Case Studies of Telish and Rozovo
Bilyana Raeva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Internal Migration and Industrialization during Socialism and Crossing the Border from Regional to National (or Vice Versa?) – Relationship between Countrymen as Strategy and Practice in Metallurgical Plant „Kremikovci“
Svetoslava Mantcheva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) Crossing Social and Cultural Boundaries among Children as a Means of Socialization
Marijeta Rajković Iveta (Zagreb, Croatia) Migrations, Shifting Borders and Identities in the Bay of Boka Kotorska (Montenegro) 
13.30 – 14.30    Lunch Break
14.30 – 16.30    Communities, Borders and Cultures – III
Chair: Stefan Dorondel
Valentina Ganeva-Raycheva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Everyday Life in the Context of the Cross-Border Region: the Thrace Region
Dobrinka Parusheva (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) Living (with) Boundaries. Communities and Communication in Plovdiv
Valentina Vaseva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Formation of the Identity and Setting of Borders of the Bulgarian Catholics near Bucharest
Ivelina Eftimova (Shumen, Bulgaria) The Shifting Borders of Identity: Everyday Experiences among Various Muslim Confessional Groups in Shumen and Razgrad
Emil Antonov (Sofia, Bulgaria) Culinary Migrations: Japanese Food Culture Considered in the Fusion of International Cuisines in Bulgaria (late 1990s/beginning of 21st century)
16.30 – 17.00    Coffee break
17.00 – 18.30     Communities, Borders and Cultures – IV
Chair: Anelia Kasabova
Zorancho Malinov (Skopje, Macedonia) Comparative Study of the Rituals ofPopulation on the Both Sides of the Macedonian-Bulgarian State Border
Rubin Zemon (Skopje, Macedonia) Socio-Cultural and Political Aspects of Migration and Human Mobility in Macedonia
Svetlana Antova (Sofia, Bulgaria) Cultural and Economical Exchange through the Yugo-embargo
Karmen Medica (Koper, Slovenia) Regional Identity and the Nation States: IstrianIdentity – Between the ‘Centre’ and the ‘Periphery’
Final Discussion

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